Freelance Service Marketplace Application

Freelance Service Marketplace Application

Nafae App

Nafae App

Nafae App

Period: 2 Months

Period: 2 Months

My Role

My Role

UX Reviewer

UX Reviewer



Google Docs

Google Docs



Nafae is an online local services marketplace. It makes your life easy by efficient & intelligent use of technology. Nafae connects the customers of Saudi Arabia with the freelancers. You have numerous options for service professionals to select from, matching your needs.

Nafae is an online local services marketplace. It makes your life easy by efficient & intelligent use of technology. Nafae connects the customers of Saudi Arabia with the freelancers. You have numerous options for service professionals to select from, matching your needs.




leverage my expertise as a UX reviewer on the Nafea app platform, contributing to the enhancement of user experiences by conducting thorough evaluations of digital interfaces. My goal is to provide actionable insights and constructive feedback, fostering a user-centric approach that aligns with industry best practices.

leverage my expertise as a UX reviewer on the Nafea app platform, contributing to the enhancement of user experiences by conducting thorough evaluations of digital interfaces. My goal is to provide actionable insights and constructive feedback, fostering a user-centric approach that aligns with industry best practices.

Heuristic Evaluation:

  • Conducted a heuristic evaluation based on established usability principles, such as Nielsen's heuristics.

  • Identified violations of usability heuristics and provided detailed feedback.

User Flow Analysis:

  • Mapped out key user flows within the app.

  • Assessed the efficiency and intuitiveness of the user journey.

Visual Hierarchy Examination:

  • Evaluated the visual hierarchy of interface elements.

  • Ensured that essential elements were prominently displayed and easily distinguishable.

Typography and Readability Assessment:

  • Analyzed the typography choices for consistency and readability.

  • Ensured that text was appropriately sized and styled for optimal comprehension.

Consistency Check:

  • Ensured consistency in design elements across different sections of the app.

  • Verified that terminology and terminology were uniform throughout.

Documentation and Reporting:

  • Compiled a detailed report outlining the findings from the expert review.

  • Included recommendations for each identified issue, along with suggested design improvements.

And More…

Heuristic Evaluation:

  • Conducted a heuristic evaluation based on established usability principles, such as Nielsen's heuristics.

  • Identified violations of usability heuristics and provided detailed feedback.

User Flow Analysis:

  • Mapped out key user flows within the app.

  • Assessed the efficiency and intuitiveness of the user journey.

Visual Hierarchy Examination:

  • Evaluated the visual hierarchy of interface elements.

  • Ensured that essential elements were prominently displayed and easily distinguishable.

Typography and Readability Assessment:

  • Analyzed the typography choices for consistency and readability.

  • Ensured that text was appropriately sized and styled for optimal comprehension.

Consistency Check:

  • Ensured consistency in design elements across different sections of the app.

  • Verified that terminology and terminology were uniform throughout.

Documentation and Reporting:

  • Compiled a detailed report outlining the findings from the expert review.

  • Included recommendations for each identified issue, along with suggested design improvements.

And More…

© 2024 Faisal Almahmoud.

© 2024 Faisal Almahmoud.